- September 8, 2017
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GoldWebs © 2012–2022 Website & Digital Marketing. All Rights Reserved
小贴士 – 网页制作技巧:
To guide your reader, you should use plenty transition words, give direction to your readers.
These words show the reader that you are summarizing (and, too);
Comparing (less than, rather) or concluding something (thus, consequently, hence).
Let me give you some examples: and, first of all, also, another, furthermore, finally; So, in addition, because, so, due to, while, since, therefore, same, less, rather, while, yet, opposite, much as, either, as a result, hence, consequently, therefore, in conclusion, etc.
How to set up your text structure
Think before you start writing. Take a piece of paper and write down what you want to write about. That could include a bit of keyword research, but ideally, you have already done that before. Check out our website for more information on that. Next, set up a text structure, before you start writing and hold on to that structure while writing your blog post. Setting up a structure of your text can (for instance) be done following these three steps:
Step 1: Create a list
If you have gathered all the information you want to use in your post or article, you can start with structuring. You can write down a list with all the topics. You should just make some list of everything your text should cover.
Step 2: Bundling topics together
If you have a clear overview of all the topics you want to discuss in your article, you start bundling topics.
Step 3: Ordering topics
If you are done bundling, you should decide upon the order you want to present the topics in your article. In most cases, you will decide to order thematically. For instance, if you want to discuss various aspects or angles of the main topic of your blog. You should then discuss every aspect in a new paragraph.
Kevin Zhou, the founder of GoldWebs website and online digital marketing agency, has the great insight into internet and know-hows in leveraging the power of website and online marketing, aiming to help SME business in achieving superb results with excessive business leads and sales in the field. 服务范围包括:电商网站SEO,悉尼定制网站设计公司,悉尼好的网站公司,澳洲电商,在澳洲做电商,澳洲电商独立站定制,推荐好的网站设计公司,网站推广,生意推广,获客方法,海外营销,Digital Marketing, 谷歌SEO搜索排名,跨境电商独立站,网页设计,澳洲网络营销,电商运营,线上获客,澳洲做线上生意,谷歌搜索广告咨询
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办公室在北区Chatswood, Chatswood Chase Shopping Center 正对面办公楼里面,热线电话:0411 312 340 Kevin
悉尼优秀的网页设计与网站制作专家,专业靠谱做网站,澳洲商业网站制作,就在澳洲金网,为您的商业助力,您决定值得拥有,Call Us Today, You Will Be Glad You Did !